Kobold Flow Meters and Instrumentation
BES Flowmeters is a privately owned independent Australian company dedicated to the supply of quality flow meters. As a supplier of flow metering equipment over many years including flow products from GPI Australia who manufacture the wide range of quality Flomec Meters. We supply Macnaught Oval Gear Meters, Siemens Electromagnetic Flow Meters and KOBOLD flow products and their extremely wide range of auxiliary equipment. All Kobold products that can be accessed through the Kobold Web site at www.kobold.com
KOBOLD develops and manufactures instruments for monitoring, measuring and regulating flow, pressure, level and temperature, offering one of the broadest lines of sensors, switches and transmitters in the industry. These instruments are used in countless OEM and industrial applications. Companies of all types use KOBOLD for a wide variety of process control applications. The process medium may be a liquid, such as water, oil or acid, or a gas, such as air, nitrogen or helium while the range of materials used to manufacture Kobold products include glass, stainless steel, PVC, brass, aluminum and other various materials.
KOBOLD supplies rotameters, variable area flowmeters, paddle wheel flowmeters, turbine flowmeters, oval gear meters, magnetic flowmeters, ultrasonic and many more. These flowmeters are available for a huge range of applications including air and gas service, water, chemicals, oils, petroleum and high viscosity applications. Variable area flowmeters are available for low volume and also high viscosity service and are manufactured using PVC, plastics, brass and stainless steel, glass and other various materials.
To check out the Kobold product range you can download the current Kobold product summary catalogue or for your application contact BES Flowmeters to assist in the selection of the correct Kobold product and technical support.