Digital Flow Meters

Digital Flow Meters

Our extensive range of digital flow meters are suitable for commercial, industrial, and domestic applications. We supply all types of digital flow meters, ranging from the standard low cost nylon water meters to clamp on ultrasonic meters and cover sizes from small to extra large. Our digital flow meters are manufactured here in Australia and overseas and are accurate and dependable.

RT14_ratetotaliser digital flow meter
Flomec digital flow meter

Flomec 01 Series Nylon Digital Flow Meter

This is a very popular low cost water or light chemical flow meter that can attach to the end of a hose or on an in-line pipe. The battery powered digital display on 01N series flow meters are calibrated to read in litres with an option of US Gallons. This economy series flow meter model is available with 1 in BSPF process connections. Flow range is from 10 – 100 lt/min.

Flomec G2 Series Digital Flow Meters

Flomec G2 Series Digital Flow Meter

The G2 series turbine water meters are available in stainless steel, PVDF and aluminum with sizes from 15 – 50 mm dia and options of screwed or flanged connections. The turbine digital flow meters have a very wide flow range and a low pressure drop. The computer display fitted to the turbines indicate rate of flow, reset total & accumulative total with various output available.

Flomec TM Series PVC Digital Flow Meter

Flomec TM Series PVC Digital Flow Meters

The TM series PVC Digital water meters are excellent for a wide variety of water applications with available sizes from 15 – 100 mm dia. Connections are glued or screwed with a flange option for the 80 & 100 mm dia meter. These digital flow meters have a very wide flow range and a low pressure drop. The computer display fitted to the turbines indicate rate of flow, reset total & accumulative total with various output available.

water flow meter insertion

Flomec DP Insertion Series Digital Flow Meters

An extremely cost effective metering option for large pipe diameters. Our insertion digital water meters are designed to suit pipe diameters from 40 – 900mm dia, whilst the hot tap version is suitable for pipe diameters up to 2500mm dia. Various displays & output options available. The DP meter is a great economical method to measure large flow rates in a wide range of pipe diameters. It is simple and cost effective to install and can be used on all hot and cold water applications and with its all stainless steel construction and IP68 (NEMA6) submersible rating. The installation of the DP490S utilises a 1-1/2″ BSPF socket while the Hot tap version the DP525S utilises a 2″ BSPF socket. A saddle clamp connection with the appropriate fitting is also an easy option for installing the Dual Pulse Insertion Flow Transducer into a range of pipe diameters.

Flomec Oval Gear OM Series Digital Flow Meter

Flomec Oval Gear OM Series Digital Flow Meters

Oval Gear Digital Water Meters are extremely accurate and are suitable for all clean liquids. They are commonly referred to as Positive Displacement or “PD” meters. Our PD meters incorporate two oval gears that rotate in the fluid stream. The Oval Gear rotation relies on the water to physically rotate the gears displacing a specific volume of water with each revolution. An embedded magnet in the gears generates a pulse through a circuit board and to the digital register. They are manufactured in Stainless steel, aluminum or PPS in the 25mm series. Sizes range from 1/8” – 4” Dia with screwed or flanged connections.

Sitrans Electromagnetic Digital Flow Meters

Siemens ‘Sitrans’ Electromagnetic Digital Flow Meters

Sitrans Electromagnetic water meters commonly known as mag meters are an extremely popular meter and with no internal components that can be blocked or damaged by unwanted debris, they are an ideal water meter suitable for all types of water service including raw, effluent, untreated and wastewater. Available sizes from very small DN2 up to extra large diameters. Used by many water authorities Australia wide these meter offer superior quality and service life. The popular 5100W Sensor coupled with the Mag5000 Transmitters is a great choice for all types of water service. The battery operated Mag8000 is also a great option for your water application when power is not available. With no moving parts and IP68 protection the MAG 8000 will give the user six years maintenance free operation.

ultrasonic flow meters

Kobold DUC Ultrasonic Digital Flow Meters

The ultrasonic clamp on water meter uses the proven and highly precise ultrasonic transit time difference method. Clamp-on technology allows for ultrasonic transducers to be installed in a matter of minutes. These robust measurement flow meters are extremely accurate and drift-free and are suitable for a large range of pipe types and diameters. The Kobold DUC Ultrasonic Digital Flow Meters (UFM) are available in fixed and portable models, Choose from three sets of transducers covering pipe sizes from 10mm to 6000mm dia. Typical applications include Water/Waste Water Management, Facility Management, Power Plants, Chemical, Food, Beverage and HVAC Industries.

Kobold_MIM Magnetic Flow Meter

Kobold MIM Electromagnetic Digital Flow Meters

The Kobold MIM Magnetic Flow Meter is a compact meter available in a range of sizes from 5mm to 38mm dia bore and designed to measure and monitor small and medium flows from 0.03 lt/min up to 350 lt/min. Suitable for the most common water based conductive liquids transfer applications throughout industry. The MIM digital flow meter displays flow and temperature measurement and can also be configured as a Batch Controller. Flow information is shown on a TFT display that is built into the housing making it an extremely compact design. Allowing for quick and easy installation with male screwed connections. The meter requires a regulated 24Vdc power source.

RT14_ratetotaliser digital flow meter

Displays for Digital Flow meters

Various Digital Displays options are available for our water meters Choose from Rate Totalisers with Reset facility, Batch Control or totalisation. Displays can be meter or remotely mounted utilising the pulse or analogue output. We have compact water meters where space is at a premium and Batching Systems for the dispensing of product.

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